Hidden Killers of The Tudor Home | Modern Television

Hidden Killers of The Tudor Home

BBC Four

Dr Suzannah Lipscomb takes us back to Tudor times in search of the household killers of the era. It was a great age of exploration and science where adventurers returned from the New World with exotic goods previously unknown in Europe. An era in which the newly emergent middle-classes had, for the first time, money for luxuries and early consumer-goods – many of which contained hidden dangers. The period also saw a radical evolution in the very idea of ‘home’. For the likes of Tudor merchants, their houses became multi-room structures instead of the single room habitations that had been the norm (aristocracy excepted). This forced the homebuilders of the day to engineer radical new design solutions and technologies – some of which were lethal…
Suzannah will discover that in Tudor houses the threat of a grisly, unpleasant death was never far away in a world (and a home) still mired in the grime and filth of the medieval period – and how we still live with the legacy of some of these killers today.

Written and Presented: Dr Suzannah Lipscomb
Produced and Directed: Suzanne Phillips
Executive Producers: Jobim Sampson and Sarah Broughton
First broadcast on 21st January 2015 on BBC Four at 9pm

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